This article delineates the marked effect of Management skills in gaining Organizational effectiveness in attaining focal objective and latter manifest that how management and organization, together make environment productive and enhance the interpersonal skills. By management artistries such as Leadership development. From the literature, a brief history of ongoing researches on the topic will be elaborated to provide the significance of the need to use the management skills in the most effective manner for gaining organizational constructive output.
See Full PDF See Full PDFEvery day reinforces the theory that education is the fundamental key to the development of a country; an education based on ethical values and principles that allow humans to the harmonious development and provide a better quality of life. This study aims to determine the relationship between management skills with the culture of the organization, this in order to design a proposal for improving the organizational culture at the Institute Technologic de Lazaro Cárdenas, depending on management skills, allowing viable strategies and objectives, for a positive change in the current situation, assuming the management capacity of an organization, this have influence in your culture organizational.
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The management skills of supervisors and managers are detrimental when it comes to assessing how organizations are effectively run, especially during a time in history that is experiencing rapid change. The purpose of this study is to investigate which management skills contribute to effectiveness and efficiency of the workplace, and to which degree. It also aims to compare the correlation between manager efficiency and conceptual human and technical skills of those in the workplace. The data was collected using a questionnaire which was obtained from municipal employees across Istanbul. A total of 194 questionnaires were handed out, however, 186 units were deemed valid. As a result of the analysis performed, human, conceptual and technical skills have proved to be proportionately effective to manager effectivenesswhen working in an environment. Such effectiveness and efficiency in the case of the manager is based on skills such as: communication, interpersonal skills, and the ability to motivate and encourage a team. The influence on the effectiveness that management may have on both the conceptual and technical skills of the workplace changes according to the level of the upper-management. This study has shown; under competition and particular uncertainty, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve desired goals. The difficulty of this task is further heightened by a system of classical management based on protecting an organization's efficiency and maintaining the status quo. For managers to be part of operations and to be in effective communication with their employees, they must persuade and motivate their employees, and be able to provide organizational effectiveness.
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Leaders and managers in the modern business world must be prepared to respond to increasingly unpredictable situations effecting their organizations. What are the critical leadership skills that leaders, managers and employees need to acquire and which activities should they perform to become highly effective within a managerial leadership process? The purpose of this research is to explore the leadership skills and management-oriented activities of leaders, managers and employees, and the positive relationship that exists between the leaders and manager's attitudes toward their behavior and perception that will promote an effective managerial leadership process. The authors conducted an investigation of the literature relating to specific roles, skills and activities that are critical for organizational leaders, managers and employees. The authors developed a quantitative method for data collection and analysis that emphasized objective measurements and statistical analysis. Specific leadership skills such as the ability to promote creativity of ideas, team building and emotional stability, and management-oriented activities such as accepting responsibility for outcomes, promoting collaboration, and establishing cross-culture orientation and ethics were examined. After conducting the research the authors developed a theoretical model. The model identifies leadership roles, skills and activities that are simple and practical strategies to employ with © Markova & Todorova Licensed under Creative Common Page 64 appropriate personal and organizational values. The authors suggest that the model takes a strategic view, and that it can be used as a guide for organizational leaders and managers.
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International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies
The study examined management development and organizational productivity. The study focused on management development with dimensions of management training, mentoring and coaching while organizational productivity was measured in task accomplishment, timeliness and performance attainment. Through a review of related literatures, the study noted that management development is one of the determinants for the success of an organization. Management Training can be regarded as the major factor in the creation of management human capital, which determines the long-term productivity of an employee's behavior. In an organizational level, coaching and mentoring can offer number of advantages. It can assist the organization in encouraging employee loyalty. When experienced professional help shaping the career of mentee and providing them opportunities, then they might feel higher sense of commitment and connection to the business. The study concluded that effective management development programs allow for the organization to maintain a workforce that can adequately replace managers who may leave the company or who are moved to other areas. The study finally recommended that in order for management training to play a positive role in the organization the policies about management development should be, clear, objective, simple and should be communicated to the managers.
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The manager is a person who is responsible and accountable for achieving the planned goals of the organization or of the part of it. He is responsible for certain tasks that lead to more effective completion, that the coordination of personnel and administration of the influence to effectively complete the tasks. In general, the main task of managers is to ensure the survival and development, and to ensure the achievement of key objectives and strategic enterprises, which mainly involve the CEO or top managers in the company. At lower levels of task managers to manage specific jobs in a part of the company or certain business functions inhouse. Depending on the type of manager, or the level of the place where the manager is, may be defined in different jobs and tasks performed by managers. Managers’ competences can be defined as a collective ability of managers to lead the development of the organization along with the development of their own managerial resources, knowledge and abi.
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This paper work places emphasis on management training. It focuses on the process of managerial training and its impact on manager's effectiveness in government ministries. According to Khanka (2008) refers training as the teaching and learning activities carried out for primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire and also apply the required knowledge, skill and attitudes to perform their job effectiveness. Nevertheless, it was recommended that other Government Ministries in the country should discover the success of effectiveness by training and retraining their staffs and manager. After the findings it is concluded that managerial training has impact on manager's effectiveness.
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Economic Processes Management
Leadership is not what the leader does, but what is done by the leader and the team together. The leader’s competences are requisite not only to the political leaders but also to the managers of big corporations. The skills of active influence on the social reality underlie each successful business and each successful career. The main purpose of the article is to propose a model for development of the leader’s competences of the manager. The main result to be achieved is designed model of leader’s competences development by the means of which the areas in which the manager needs improvement shall be developed. The major research methods used in this work are method of comparison, intuitive and systematic approach, method of analysis and synthesis.
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