Character Reference Letter for Immigration Template

Use a Character Reference Letter for Immigration to highlight the applicant’s moral character to USCIS during their application process.


Updated May 2, 2024
Written by Raina Chou | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A Character Reference Letter for Immigration is a personal statement written on behalf of a visa applicant to support their immigration application by detailing their moral integrity and personal virtues. helps the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) understand that the applicant possesses good moral character (GMC) and is therefore worthy of becoming a contributing member of society in the United States.

Such a letter is often used in various immigration applications, including visa applications, green card petitions, or naturalization processes.

Letter for the Immigration Court

If you are attending an immigration court hearing, use a Character Reference Letter for Court instead.

When to Use

A character reference letter for immigration is often submitted voluntarily by applicants when applying for:

However, character reference letters are explicitly requested in specific scenarios, including:

Character reference letter for immigration vs Immigration letter of support

Unlike a character reference letter for immigration, which focuses on demonstrating the applicant’s good moral character to establish their suitability as a contributing member of society, an immigration letter of support addresses an applicant’s hardships in bond releases, deportation, and detainment cases.

Who to Select for Reference

Whom you should ask to write your letter depends on the type of visa you are applying for and the specific purpose of the letter.

For example, if applying for an employment visa, it is more appropriate to ask your employer for character references rather than a family member.

Ideally, the writer should select

Thank-You Note

Express your gratitude by sending your reference a thank-you note after they have completed the letter for you.

How to Write

A good character reference letter for immigration should be:

While sample letters can provide a helpful starting point, it is crucial for the writer to use their own words to convey the applicant’s unique attributes and circumstances. This makes the letter more compelling and genuine.

Step 1: Introduction

The letter should begin with a brief self-introduction of the writer, explaining:

Include specific dates and locations to anchor the writer-applicant relationship in a real-world context. It’s important to establish why the writer’s perspective on the applicant’s character is valuable and relevant.


Dear Honorable Immigration Judge and Officers,

I am Jane Doe, a registered nurse at Springfield Hospital. I have known John Smith since 2012, when we both volunteered at the Community Food Bank in Houston, Texas. My seven-year acquaintance with John and my professional healthcare background give me a unique insight into his compassionate nature and dedication to community service.

Step 2: Body Paragraphs

The body of a good reference letter should contain one to two paragraphs that include the applicant’s:

Keep in mind the good moral qualities the USCIS is looking for. The writer should also mention how the applicant has overcome obstacles in life or corrected negative behaviors in the past, if any.

Ensure that the information provided matches other evidence submitted to the USCIS to avoid discrepancies. Do not lie about or alter facts in the letter.


Maria exemplifies dedication and professionalism. During her tenure, she consistently exceeded project expectations, notably leading a critical software development project in July 2021 that significantly enhanced our company’s reputation.

Maria has maintained solid financial stability through prudent savings and investments to ensure her financial independence in the US. She also exhibits emotional resilience, having skillfully managed personal challenges such as a family member’s illness by engaging in mindfulness and community support groups.

Her move to the US is not only a step towards professional growth but also crucial for her to access better career opportunities that are scarce in her home country.

Step 3: Closing

Conclude the letter by summarizing why the applicant deserves immigration consideration. The writer should clearly state their recommendation for the application based on their experiences and observations of the applicant’s character.

After the closing statement, the writer should sign and date the letter. Their contact information, including their mailing address and contact number, should also be stated.

While it is usually not required, having the letter notarized is recommended for additional authenticity.


Based on my longstanding relationship with Jim and my firsthand observations of his character, I wholeheartedly recommend him for immigration to the United States. His contributions to the community and his robust moral fiber make him an ideal candidate for residency. I am confident that Jim will continue to be a valuable, upright, and contributing member of society.

How long should the letter be?

Aim for the entire letter to be no more than one page. This length is sufficient to convey necessary details without overwhelming the reader, ensuring the letter is read in its entirety and considered seriously by immigration officials.

Writing Tips

When crafting a character reference letter for immigration, it’s crucial to communicate effectively and persuasively. Here are some tips to enhance your letter.

Be Relevant

The letter’s content should reflect the applicant’s situation and the purpose of the visa. If the applicant is applying for a work visa, focus on professional accomplishments rather than general compliments. For a family-based visa, emphasize the applicant’s role within the family.

Relevant evidence

Mark has been the primary caregiver for his elderly parents, showing strong family ties and a deep commitment. His role is crucial in maintaining his family’s well-being in the US.

Irrelevant information

Mark is always the life of the party and has an excellent sense of humor. He organizes the best gatherings and makes sure everyone has a great time.

Be Supportive

The letter should emphasize the applicant’s positive impact on their community, family, or profession. This helps underscore their worthiness for the immigration request.

Supportive statements

During her time at our company, Lisa has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, particularly in her role as project manager for the XZ initiative, which resulted in a 40% increase in efficiency.

Unhelpful statement

Lisa works with us and is very good at her job. She is always friendly and helps out around the office.

Be Empathetic

Discuss the potential emotional and practical impacts on the applicant and their family if the immigration request were denied. This adds a layer of personal insight to the application and highlight the stakes involved.

Empathetic story

Denial of Raj’s work visa would not only halt his promising career but severely affect his ability to provide for his parents’ medical needs, which are substantial and ongoing.

Emotionless statement

Raj is applying for a work visa and really hopes to stay in the US to continue working. It would be great if he could stay because he likes his job.

Character Reference Letter for Immigration Sample

Download our free character reference letter for immigration template — available in both PDF and Word formats.


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is ________________________ [Referrer’s Name], a ________________________ [Referrer’s Job/Personal Title] residing in ________________________ [Referrer’s State of Residency]. I’m writing to vouch for ________________________ [Applicant’s Name], who I’ve known for ________________________ [Length of Time] as ________________________ [Relation to Applicant], and to support their application for ___________________ [Immigration/Visa Type].

During my relationship with ________________________ [Applicant’s Name], they have consistently demonstrated that they are a valuable member of the collective. A notable commitment includes _________________________________________________ [Applicant’s Contribution], demonstrating ________________________ [Applicant’s Name]’s ________________________ [Personal Trait]. As a result of their commendable effort, ______________________________ [Outcome of Contribution]. ________________________ [Applicant’s Name]’s dedication in _________________________________________________ [Applicant’s Contribution] further showcased their ___________________ [Personal Trait]. Thanks to___________________ [Applicant’s Name], _________________________________________________ [Outcome of Contribution]. Additionally, ________________________ [Applicant’s Name] made a significant contribution to _________________________________________________ [Applicant’s Contribution], highlighting their ___________________ [Personal Trait]. Because of ___________________ [Applicant’s Name], _________________________________________________ [Outcome of Contribution]. These endeavors have not only enriched our community but also underscored their crucial role in creating a supportive and vibrant environment.

I wholeheartedly endorse ________________________ [Applicant’s Name]’s application for ________________________ [Immigration/Visa Type]. Throughout my interactions with ________________________ [Applicant’s Name], I have consistently witnessed their deep commitment to enhancing our community. I am confident that ________________________ [Applicant’s Name] will carry this same spirit of dedication and positive influence into their new environment.They will grow to be an invaluable asset, not only to our community but also to your country.

Should you have any further questions or wish to discuss ________________________ [Applicant’s Name]’s application in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me.

____________________________________ [Referrer’s Signature]
________________________ [Referrer’s Name]
________________________ [Referrer’s Job/Personal Title]

________________________ [Referrer’s Phone Number]
________________________ [Referrer’s Email]