Officiating basketball at any level is never easy and when it gets into upper levels of play, like high school, college and the NBA, officiating comes into critical focus. However, the officials are an integral part of a basketball game, especially in keeping it fair and properly determining a winner. So if an official makes a number of bad calls or seems to be favoring one team over another, bring this to the parent organization's attention so that they can investigate and, if necessary, reprimand the official to keep the integrity of the game alive.
Ask the referee or a league official for which officiating organization the referee works. Write this name down and any other information that comes with it.
Go to website for the National Association of Sports Officials and fill out a contact order form so you can get a list of local high school basketball associations in your area. They will send you information about how to contact your league office.
Write out your complaint in an email or in a hard copy. Do this in a professional manner, citing the exact calls you disagreed with and any evidence you have to support your complaint. Send the email to the officiating organization as well as any coaches or administrators at the high school, so they are aware the complaint was made. If you are sending a hard copy, note that you are sending the letter to the organization and to school administrators or coaches. Send photocopies to all parties who you want to see the complaint, so they can keep the information on file.
Organizations vary based on what district the high school is in and what state the district is in. Some are larger then others and some make it easier to file a complaint then others.
Do not say anything offensive or accusatory in your complaint. Maintain professionalism and a certain amount of decorum at all times.