Social work data

The DPA 2018 defines ‘social work data’ as personal data which:

Further Reading

Relevant provisions in the DPA 2018 See Schedule 3, Part 3, paragraph 7-8

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Can I charge a fee for providing access to social work data?

No. There are no special rules which allow you to charge fees if you are complying with a SAR for social work data. For more information about when you can charge a fee please see ‘Can we charge a fee?’.

Is social work data ever exempt from subject access?

The exemptions and restrictions that apply to other types of personal data also apply to social work data. So, for example, if social work data contains personal data relating to someone other than the requester (such as a family member), you must consider the rules about third party data before disclosing it to the requester. However, you should not normally withhold information that identifies a professional, such as a social worker, carrying out their duties for this reason. See ‘What should we do if the request involves information about other individuals?’ for more information.

There are also further exemptions and restrictions that apply to social work data in particular. These are explained in the next sections.

Is social work data exempt if a court processes it?

You are exempt from the right of access if the social work data is:

If you think this exemption might apply, see paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 3, Part 3 of the DPA 2018 for full details of the statutory rules.

Further Reading

Relevant provisions in the DPA 2018 (the exemption) See Schedule 3, Part 3, Paragraph 9

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Relevant provisions in the UK GDPR (the exempt provisions) See Articles 5, 13(1)-(3), 14(1)-(4), 15(1)-(3), 16, 17(1)-(2), 18(1), 20(1)-(2), 21(1)

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Is social work data exempt if disclosure goes against an individual’s expectations and wishes?

Yes. There is an exemption from the right of access if you receive a request (in exercise of a power conferred by an enactment or rule of law) for social work data concerning an individual from someone:

But the exemption only applies to the extent that complying with the request would disclose information that:

Further Reading

Relevant provisions in the DPA 2018 (the exemption) See Schedule 3, Part 3, Paragraph 10

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Relevant provisions in the UK GDPR (the exempt provisions) See Articles 5, 13(1)-(3), 14(1)-(4), 15(1)-(3), 16, 17(1)-(2), 18(1), 20(1)-(2), 21(1)

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Is social work data exempt if disclosure could cause serious harm?

Yes. You are exempt from complying with a SAR for social work data to the extent that complying with the request would be likely to prejudice carrying out social work because it would be likely to cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of any individual. This is known as the “serious harm test” for social work data.

Further Reading

Relevant provisions in the DPA 2018 (the exemption) See Schedule 3, Part 3, Paragraph 11

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Relevant provisions in the UK GDPR (the exempt provisions) See Articles 15(1)-(3)

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Is there a restriction if you are a local authority in Scotland?

Yes. This is a restriction rather than an exemption. It applies if you process social work data as a local authority in Scotland (as defined by the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968), and you receive a request for that data.

It restricts you from disclosing social work data in response to a SAR if:

If there is a question as to whether you need to comply with a SAR in this situation, you must inform the Principal Reporter within 14 days of the question arising.

You may only disclose the social work data in response to the SAR if the Principal Reporter has told you they think the serious harm test for social work data is not met.